Jemmac Software will be hosting a Business Software Seminar for Business Leaders based in the Milton Keynes area. The seminar will take place at the Cranfield Management Development Centre on the morning of Wednesday 7th December.
Mark Fisher, Jemmac’s Commercial Director will draw upon 25 year’s worth of diverse Corporate and SME experiences to facilitate discussions on a range of issues facing all businesses for whom software is a key element of how they run their business or what they sell to their customers.
By attending the seminar you’ll see that many of the software issues you face are common and not restricted to your line of business. You’ll hear about how these issues can be identified, tackled and turned into opportunities. You’ll also hear about how it can all go wrong and the strategies to avoid.
Is this relevant to you and your business?

Mark will facilitate a set of discussions covering a range of issues relating to the sourcing, usage, support and management of software within businesses. If any of the questions below touch a nerve with you then it’s very likely you’ll get something from the seminar.
- Does the software you currently use in your business slow you down or actually get in the way of exploiting new opportunities?
- Have you experienced any of your team cursing the way software works for them and wishing it worked differently?
- Have you had a bad experience working with a company who you’ve hired to write software for you?
- Have you had a fantastic idea that required some robust, innovative software to be written but were unable to identify anyone of the right calibre who could write it?
- Does your business depend on software that is out of date and unsupported because the original supplier is no longer around?
- Have you had problems upgrading or migrating software either by doing it yourself or getting an external company to help you?
- Have you found yourself frustrated that your internal Software Engineers sometimes don’t have the capacity or skill sets you would like in order to exploit a business opportunity.
- Do you feel that you would benefit from taking a fresh look at what today’s software might be able to do for your business?
- Have you ever been told that it’s not possible to install and use a new piece of software because it won’t work with the old software you are running, or worse, that you’ll have to upgrade it all to move forward?
- Have you ever had a software development or deployment project that ended up taking longer to do and/or cost more than was planned?
If you are interested in attending or hearing more about the seminar please contact:
Mark Fisher
Commercial Director
Jemmac Software Limited.
Tel : 01234 757251
Email : mark.fisher@jemmac.com