Jemmac staff and families turned out in force for the Milton Keynes Sport Relief mile on Sunday the 20th of March 2016.
In all a motley crew of twenty-eight ‘runners’ took part representing Jemmac from the very young (one being a bun in the oven so too speak) to a few more senior states persons! Team Jemmac being entered in the 10:30am ‘wave’ setting off from outside the Church of Christ the Cornerstone in Central Milton Keynes.

The turnout in CMK was quieter than for previous Sport Relief miles possibly due to more events being run this year. Nonetheless, the team warmed up with their usual dedication and commitment before embarking on their run. See images below!
Sometime later they all made it to the finish, albeit with some treating it more like a leisurely Sunday morning stroll than a run! Special mention goes to our youngest runner Dylan (above center) who ran all the way round the course on his own, only stopping midway to unfurl a very fetching cape!
A hardy subset of the team elected to run 3 laps of the circuit extending it from the one mile to 5K. Being a family affair it ended up in an almighty sprint to the finish line in order to gain family bragging rights… suffice to say those with younger limbs proved a good deal more flexible as strides were lengthened!

In total over £2,870 was raised by the team, with Jemmac donating £100 per participant and one entrant raising an additional £70 themselves (well done Helen)!
For more information, see: www.sportrelief.com